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How To Avoid Your Own Authority
'Authority' - spelled with a capital 'A' in Possibility Management - means: 'conscious Authority'.
This is Authority that can only be conferred upon yourself by the power of your own Authority.
The way to avoid your own Authority is to give authority to someone else, or to the beliefs, rules, or customs of an institution such as a religion, military, corporation, country, culture, or government.
Your Authority is an energetic substance inside of you.
It is the spunk, gumption, chutzpah, volition, balls, audacity, fierceness, Pirate... inside of you that you can use to Authorize your power to Choose, to Declare, to Ask, to Hold Space, to Navigate Space, to Take A Stand, to Shift Identity, to Improvise, to go Nonlinear, to go Unreasonable, to Cause Transformation, to Serve your Pearl, your Bright Principles, and your Archetypal Lineage, and to build and inhabit new Archearchal Gameworlds that make the existing ecocidal gameworlds irrelevant.
No one can take your Authority away from you.
If your Authority is weak, or confused, or missing, it is because you have hidden your Authority away somewhere, inside or outside of yourself for a particular reason.
You have the power to find that reason.
You have the power to make that reason conscious, and reconsider if you want to continue submitting yourself to that reason or not.
The 5-Body shift that would occur in you if you decide to take back your Authority - in reality, not just in your mind - would most effectively take place through an Emotional Healing Process that you arrange for yourself with one or two other Spaceholders from your Team.
If you behave as if someone else (a person, an institution, or a belief system) has your Authority, it is only because you decided to give your Authority to them for a particular reason.
Again, you have the power to find that reason.
You have the power to make that reason conscious, and reconsider if you want to keep submitting yourself to that reason or not.
Again, the 5-Body shift that would occur in you while taking back your Authority - in reality, not just in your wishful thinking - would most effectively take place through an Emotional Healing Process that you arrange for yourself with one or two other Spaceholders from your Team.
No one can give you back your Authority.
On the other hand, no one can stop you from taking back your Authority.
Your uninitiated adolescent worldview assumes that it is either illegal, or impossible, to possess and stand in your own Authority beyond the control of every system? (It is not.)
Here is the relevant question: What would you do with your Authority if you had it anyway?
Actually, you don't have to worry about answering that last question... The Rule of Law of the modern capitalist patriarchal empire has no intention at all of ever arranging for you to have your own Authority. If people had their own Authority, who would be the police, then? Who would be the soldiers or the workers? God forbid that consumers would have the power to not consume...
Modern culture wants you stuck in your place at the bottom of the pyramid, where you pay to be born, pay to die, and pay to live. You are buried deep down in the 8 Prisons because modern culture has long ago banished authentic adulthood initiatory processes.
You won't find initiations except at the very outside edges of what modern culture 'authorities' tell you is all there is... "It is dangerous and scary in the outlands! Almost no one is there..." (sure... only 300 million Cultural Creatives are there...)
In short, it is the easiest thing in the world to avoid igniting your own authority. Stick with the program and you won't piss anyone off. Then you can retire and watch TV series on NetFlix in a fine old-people's home...
You went to school?
At school you were trained that the person standing in the front of the room is the only person in the room who has authority.
You were trained that authority can only be conferred upon you by someone higher-up than you are in the hierarchical authoritarian system.
You were trained that the person at the top of the pyramid has the most authority and that everyone below them in the pyramid must submit themselves to the authority of the persons above them in the hierarchy.
You were trained that you have no authority and that it is impossible or insane to try to gain any authority. The ones who have authority deserve it by birth, fight for it tooth and nail, and protect it with their life.
At the same time you were trained that if you ever achieve 'success' you will become an authority who others look up to and try to emulate.
You were trained to believe that if you get good grades and 'do well' at school, then you gain authority in the school gameworld. You may be tempted to stay in that gameworld to get further degrees, perhaps become a teacher or professor in that gameworld. This does not mean you will ever get to 'change the system from the inside' because the school system is, if anything, designed to defend itself against change. (The school system itself refuses to learn anything.) (Perhaps you are ready to Quit School, and Heal From School?)
'Authorities' are to be feared and obeyed. They are supposed to have power over you.
'Authorities' are the ones who 'know' and have 'the evidence' to 'prove' that 'you do not know', to classify you as being 'wrong', and then 'blame you'. (Read that as: burn you at the stake as a witch.)
'Authorities' 'represent' 'the law of the land', and have an army of weaponized police and soldiers who enforce the authorities' law, doing their overlord's bidding. (Read that as: protect corporate property and profits.)
'Authorities' themselves are, of course, 'above the law'.
No 'good' person would ever want to be 'an authority', because on the one hand, you may be attacked by other 'authorities' who 'have more authority than you', and on the other hand, having 'authority' implies 'having a big ego', and therefore being a 'bad' person.
But in secret, everyone has an ego (a Box), and every ego longs to find a way to establish itself as an authority in its own little world, even if you make yourself an authority about the fact that it is impossible for you to be an authority.
The theory behind the philosophy of bowing down to the existing social, political, economic, legal, and religious 'authorities' is that, if you bow low enough, you will survive. You will be 'well adjusted', and you will 'fit in' with everyone else.
But then again, you might want to ask yourself this question: "Do I really want to get well adjusted and fit myself into a culture that is exterminating life on planet Earth at the fastest possible rate?"
(This question might be worth spending serious introspection efforts so as to discover your own personal answers. It is a very expensive question not to deliberately answer.)
If you are a bold person, and somehow spontaneously ignite your Authority to choose the Values that you value, and, if you place the Value of 'having personal Authority' at the center of your priorities, rather than, say, 'being seen and accepted as a normal member of that society', then you have good chances for unfolding and activating your remarkable potentials.
But if your higher value is to 'march lockstep' in the prevailing belief systems in your company, religion, university, government, etc., in order to be seen as a 'normal', 'acceptable', 'ordinary', or 'nice' person, then the chances of you becoming your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage in action are about zero.
How To Take Back Your Authority
The 'how to do it' instructions for taking back your own Authority are irreducibly simple: Take back your own Authority. Without reason, without excuses, without aggression or revenge, without resentment, you take your own Authority irreversibly back into your Being.
The point here is that it is not the concept: 'I don't know how to do it' that is stopping you from taking back your own Authority.
What stops you is the fact that it is a risk to take back your Authority.
There are plenty of risks, for example, if you take back your own Authority:
- You might change.
- Your friends might not like you anymore.
- There won't be any excuses to justify your failures.
- There won't be anyone else to blame for the faulty circumstances in your life.
- There won't be anything to hide behind, no horrible stories about your childhood, no institution that did not provide you with what you needed.
- The exciting but fake Low Drama world will be completely over for you, invalidated forever.
- Other people might think you are out of line, arrogant, or deluded.
- They might report you to the 'real authorities'...
- Etc.
These are huge risks.
But why does the riskiness stop you?
It is not the risk itself that stops you, but rather that you feel afraid to take the risk. Your fear stops you.
So? Why does fear stop you from taking back your Authority?
Because you are not initiated into experiencing, navigating, and intentionally using your Conscious Fear.
How can you change your relationship to fear?
You could begin by jumping over to the Conscious Fear website and StartOver there...
Unconscious Fears, and the stories you have attached to those fears, have stopped you from choosing many truly incredible life options.
But if you were supposed to learn about Conscious Fear - if it was an important subject - don't you think they would have taught you about it in school?
Ahhh! Now there is an interesting question! Why didn't they teach you about Conscious Fear in school?
Is it because the teachers did not know about it?
Is it because it was forbidden by the administration?
Is it because someone tampered with the curriculum?
Actually, answering the "Why...?" question is not going to help you at all to take your Authority back.
What will help you, then?
What truly helps is upgrading your thoughtware and skillsets for using your Conscious Fear as a Compass Of Invention and Wand Of Declaration.
HINT: You really want to change your relationship to fear? After Rage Club, you can participate in Fear Club. Get into Fear Club, or Expand The Box training. This is the way.
Come back here after you have earned a hell of a lot of Matrix Points doing the Conscious Fear experiments.
By then it will be time to take your Authority back, risks and all. We'll see you then.
Radical Risks
The journey begins...
Where is your Authority? How can you get your Authority back? Who assigns Authority?
The one who HAS authority assigns fake authority. (The one who IS Authority knows they cannot assign Authority.)
"Well, who is that authority?" we ask, automatically and unconsciously assuming that this Authority, who ever it is, is not us. It must be someone else out there.
If anything is to change it will happen when you become Consciously Angry enough to shift out of the Ordinary world and into the Extraordinary world where you Radically Self-Authorize your own Authority. The term 'Radical' here refers to 'independent acting, self-powered agency, free from control or restraint, unpredictable, self-scripted, capable of going nonlinear', etc.
The procedure is to Self-Authorize Authority for yourself, one particularity at a time.
At some point, after you actually and in fact do take your own Authority back into your Center with regards to approximately 100 particular and specific applications, a balance tilts over to a new position such that you no longer can give your Authority away to anyone or any thing. This is a startling experience. There in not much in the modern capitalist patriarchal empire culture to suggest such a life-reorientation is personally possible.
Recovering your own Authority is an Authentic Adulthood Initiation that establishes a participatory and collaborative relationship between you and the Universe. Co-creating with life-at-large becomes inexplicably ecstatic. You personally (experientially) discover that a human being on the evolutionary Path of Adulthood is designed to be an Authority in the Universe.
This new condition will show up in your life in a number of startling but irrefutable ways. For example,
- Each time you are in a Space, regardless of who the specified Spaceholder is of that Space, you are also Holding The Space and helping to Navigate the Space. It is also your Space. To not Hold Space will take effort. Even if you suppress your Spaceholding it will remain your Space.
- When being invited to participate in an Ordinary Space (adolescent, uninitiated, Gremlin, Low Drama, Victimy, serving Shadow Principles, etc.) it will not feed your Being to join. No amount of insult, threat, coercion, manipulation, name calling, etc. can possibly force you to give your Authority over to change your mind and participate in that Space. It would be beneath your Dignity.
- It becomes straightforward and somehow normal for you to have an opinion, worldview, strategy, choices, or perspective that is different, distasteful, contradictory, or unimaginable to those around you, even to your family or friends. This does not upset you or make you afraid. You can explain your perspective or approach with simple clarity if anyone asks, in ways that do not involve defending yourself or attacking others. (For an example of this behavior, watch the Mandalorian Series.)
- Your uniqueness does not separate you from others. Their uniqueness does not separate them from you. You find yourself connecting joyously and enthusiastically with others who seem to be remarkably different from you. Your Box may freak out about this, but you don't, even if a part of you thinks that you should.
- Each time a choice is to be made, personal, Team, or organizational, even if the choice is a group decision, you make the Choice yours. If you will not abide by the choice of others, you say so, and it is not a problem for you to have a different choice.
- It becomes impossible for you to be a victim of the circumstances, because you Authorize the circumstances and you retain the Authority to renegotiate them to be different any time you want to.
- When an action needs to be taken, you are not looking around for who is going to take the action, or for who will give the authority to take the action, or for who will assign the authority to someone else to have the authority for the action to be taken. You take the action in full Authority. There is a way that you trust that if it was not your action to take, you would not have become aware of taking it. Yes, there are many times when it is more excellent to not take action, for example, as a way of respecting other people's Authority, or to consciously Flow Power to someone else, or as part of Replacing Yourself in a Team. Consciously not taking action is also an Action. It is the Action of not taking an action.
- When something needs to be said you do not wait around for someone else to set the timing, direction, volume, tone, intentions etc. of saying the thing. Instead you act under your own Authority to say what needs to be said.
- Etc.
You stand in Authority that is consciously self-proclaimed and self-assigned. You take actions under your own recognizance. Your life becomes Mission Impossible: "Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to take over all Authority for your life. As always, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions."
Meaning, there is no escape from present or future consequences.
There is tremendous joy in creatively collaborating with other Radical Authorities to serve something greater than yourself.
It is no joke.
There are no discounts. You will have to pay full price. It is entirely up to you.
If you have lived your life using a Survival Strategy of being a Victim, having an I'm Not Okay Box, or staying in your Parent's Bubble, then you might think this is 'bad news'.
If you have lived your life as an Edgeworker, Riftwalker, Subversive... then you already know: This is the way.
There is no one else who can give you back your own Authority.
There is not one person in the world who can somehow obtain your Authority from wherever you have put it and give it back you.
On the other hand, there is no one who can stop you from taking your own Authority back.
There is nothing left but to get to it.
In which domains of your Life have you taken back your Authority lately?
Taking back your Authority might be the world's most needed (r)evolutionary action right now.
You have been bent out of shape to the point where you forget what you really want to say, what you want to write, what you want to create, what you want.
Taking back your Authority is the procedure for rediscovering what you want and choosing it.
Taking back your Authority is the procedure for negotiating extraordinary intimacy (Listen to the recording: 'Intimacy Starts With Your Authority' with Anne-Chloé Destremau on Next Culture Radio).
Taking back your Authority is the procedure for creating the world your Heart and Being know is possible.There are so many domains in which you have given your Authority away, one tiny piece at a time. Taking back your Authority happens also in baby steps. Here are some ideas for starting now and ending never:
- Take back your Authority for not needing approval.
- Take back your Authority to not rescue others, and to not give credence to other people's story about it.
- Take back your Authority to consciously experience and apply your Feelings and Emotions.
- Take back your Authority to make the movies you wish you could see at the theater.
- Take back your Authority to eat with your fingers, or any utensils that you invent.
- Take back your Authority to interrupt others.
- Take back your Authority to create extraordinary spaces and extraordinary connections despite the ordinariness of your surroundings.
- Take back your Authority to choose what you eat for breakfast.
- Take back your Authority to sleep however, whenever, and wherever you want.
- Take back your Authority to care for your five bodies (physical, intellectual, emotional, energetic, and archetypal bodies).
- Take back your Authority to be wrong, often, and to admit that you are wrong.
- Take back your Authority to be a theatrical storyteller.
- Take back your Authority to improvise.
- Take back your Authority to not know.
- Take back your Authority to fart, to belch, to sneeze, and to snort when you laugh.
- Take back your Authority to write the books that have not been written yet.
- Take back your Authority to be a genius.
- Take back your Authority to find and use your own voice.
- Take back your Authority to think for yourself.
- Take back your Authority to be happy and angry and scared and sad and be well with it.
- Take back your Authority to be ecstatic.
- Take back your Authority to discover how you can love.
- Take back your Authority to be loved.
- Take back your Authority to heal your wounds.
- Take back your Authority to not be wounded any longer.
- Take back your Authority to create instead of consume whatever you need.
- Take back your Authority to do things that might embarrass others.
- Take back your Authority to not smile.
- Take back your Authority to disappoint your father.
- Take back your Authority to create your own nanonation.
- Take back your Authority to challenge yourself and others in ways that teachers, parents or friends have not been able to do.
- Take back your Authority to play full out.
- Take back your Authority to just stop.
- Take back your Authority to
- Take back your Authority for making your own list of what you are taking back you Authority for!
Radical Authority
There is such a thing as 'Radical Authority'.
You may never have heard the term 'Radical Authority' mentioned before. This does not mean that it does not exist.
Never having heard about Radical Authority does not need to block you from exploring how to use it in your daily life.
Radical Authority means to relocate your Point Of Origin into a new relationship with the Universe such that you are Radically Responsible for your collaborative Authority in Determining what is.
To 'Determine' in this case, means 'to govern, to establish, to define, to decide, to resolve, to affect, to shape...' yet none of these synonyms conveys the true power that Radical Authority offers you to 'Determine what is'. It means that in your life you 'Source what is'.
You may stumble over using the word 'Source' as a verb, meaning 'to Source'.
It can help if you picture a cool fresh-water spring, bubbling abundantly into a pond that trickles down a mountain as a stream. The spring is Sourcing fresh water for the entire local ecology, the frogs, mosquitos, mushrooms, ferns, mosses, trees, dragon flies, etc.
The spring sources what is at the pond. In Radical Authority, you Source what is in your life.
Radical Authority is something you are, something you become... not something you take.
You can take Radical Responsibility, but you cannot take Radical Authority. For example, you cannot simply assert that you are an author. If you did, you would be lying. You become 'an author' through already having 'authored' something. The articles, newsletters, film scripts, or books which you have 'authored' confirms your 'authorship' so that 'an author' is, in fact, what you have become. Then you are being an author. You have the Radical Authority of being an author. (Some of us do not write because we have Parts that are terrified of having Radical Authority for being an author...)
Radical Authority is a an emanation from your Being.
For your Being to emanate Radical Authority, your Being needs conscious Centeredness, free-floating Attention, precise Noticing, uncluttered inner space of Nothingness, activated Will, an Inner Structure with Radical Simplicity that gives you freedom of inner movement, for example, freedom from the Conclusions of Memetic Constructs.
Probably you taught your Being to stay inside of the show you project out to the world through which others can perceive you, so that you are acceptable to the others and can survive in their company. This sort of survival tactic is an attempt at control rather than being Authority. You frantically try to grasp onto and suppress whatever might upset the status quo in which your Survival Strategy functions, because anything out of the ordinary might endanger your survival.
Being Authority is not a quality of surviving. It is a quality of Living Full Out.
Radical Authority is Extraordinary. This does not mean it must be rare or difficult. It means Radical Authority arises in Extraordinary Spaces, not an ordinary space. In Phase 2 Adulthood you learn to create, set the Context for, and resiliently Navigate Extraordinary Space.
The Extraordinary Space of Radical Authority can exist even if it seems to contradict the overwhelmingly-commonplace complexly-interactive highly-energetic Low-Drama Gremlin-feeding ordinary-Space.
The moment you, or someone else, shifts into Radical Authority, the space you do this in becomes Extraordinary, even if that means the Extraordinary Space is no larger than your Personal Bubble Of Space. Just because everyone else near you is in an Ordinary Space of being adaptive or playing small does not mean you cannot instantly shift into the Extraordinary Space of Radical Authority, even if no one else notices what you are.
Here is the question: Who creates the Extraordinary Space in which you stand in Radical Authority?
The answer, of course, is: You.
Clearly, Creating Extraordinary Space and Navigating Extraordinary Space are Possibilitator Skills that are required to obtain Radical Authority.
Being aware that you are Sourcing a thing gives you Choice over the qualities of what you Source. However, there are important limitations!
Sourcing Extraordinary Spaces of Radical Authority in NO WAY implies that you have the power to change the laws of physics and the laws of mechanics. There are real and specific limitations to Radical Authority. If you cannot discern and pay attention to those requirements, then you may be Sourcing a Fantasy World which could even be dangerous, and even lethal to you or others. What do we mean?Here is an excerpt from an article by Possibilitator Michael Cann about learning to fly a paraglider:"Naturally I was afraid. I was afraid because of what I didn't know, and also because of what I did. The first days of the training did nothing to reduce my fear. In the theory sessions, I learned many new ways that I could die. The instructor drew diagram after diagram of the places it was seriously unsafe to go. “Don't go behind the hill, don't go in front of the cliff, don't go too close to the cloud, don't pull the wrong cord, don't pull the right cord too hard or too soft - or you will immediately be in 'deep shit'.” I lost track of the number of crucifixes he drew on the whiteboard to represent the actions that were potentially fatal, and the number of times I heard the sentence, "If you do this, you're fucked.” When the practical training started, it finally dawned on me that I had signed up to shackle myself to a great big sail that was far stronger than me and that obeyed only the wind and pilots who know what they are doing... and I certainly did not know what I was doing."
READ MORE (highly recommended).I know a person who slid a burning candle behind the flipped-up lid of my laptop computer. In a few minutes the lid of my laptop melted into a sliding blob of plastic. This same person reached over another burning candle wearing a cotton pullover and was about to burst into flames even though they could not feel the heat accumulating under their arm. This can only happen to someone who is not aware of the laws of thermodynamics, that the single flame of a common kitchen candle can do permanent damage.Certain chemical or gas mixtures can explode or dissolve holes in other materials. Metals can rust and break. Electricity can create sparks, fire, and explosions. Lightening can obliterate hundred-year-old oak trees. Avalanches can crush and suffocate people. Tornadoes can throw cars into houses. Momentum can deliver incredibly powerful forces if deceleration is exponential such as in a car crash or global warming tipping points. Ropes break under a specific tension depending on the materials they are woven out of. Time goes by. The laws of physics and mechanics prevail even when you stand in Radical Authority.It is the gravestone-causing distinctions we are speaking about here. What will kill you. What will fall apart underneath you. What will electrocute you, poison you, or or blow you up. Towns adopt official building codes to which construction projects must conform so as to assure that structures can resist both the static and dynamic forces of that occur in the real world (such as earthquakes, tornadoes, high winds, etc.). Part of Radical Authority is determining to your own proven satisfaction that you are taking the laws of physics, chemistry, aerodynamics, and the strength of materials properly into account. And if you do not... (see the video below)I Am That From Whom No One Can Take Authority Away
There is this tale...
“In a room sit three great men, a king, a priest, and a rich man with his gold. Between them stands a sellsword, a mercenary, a little man of common birth and no great mind.
Each of the great ones bids the mercenary to slay the other two.
‘Do it,’ says the king, ‘for I am your lawful ruler.’
‘Do it,’ says the priest, ‘for I command you in the names of the gods.’
‘Do it,’ says the rich man, ‘and all this gold shall be yours.’
So tell me – who lives and who dies?”
I love this situation. It really makes me think about power and an individual’s relationship with power.
When I first heard this tale, my mind instantly raced to the rich man and his gold. But that seems like more of a reflection of my own biases and my own time than anything else.
This question is more subtle than predicting who lives and who dies.
The way I see it now, it is the man of common birth who holds all the power in that situation.
If he does not listen to the priest, or the king or the banker, then no one will die.
And if no one else listens to them either, what power do they really have?
People 'in power' only enjoy it at our (the people's) pleasure.
King Louis XVI’s power did not save his neck during the French Revolution. The Pope doesn’t own large swaths of Italy anymore. Not everyone can be bought for indecent sums of cash.
The answer is that We rule the world. And the sooner We the People figure that out, the better off everyone will be.
Power only resides where We think it resides.
Then comes the next question.
What happens when We the People are all hypnotized by the deceptions published by the corporate-owned modern media channels? We the People have been duped, put to sleep, changed into Zombies, serving gameworlds with Values we are not aware of and would not agree with if we were awake.
Then freedom of Nonlinear Creation only thrives in certain Practitioners. Authentic Authority only lives in those who Cavitate and Navigate Spaces in specific Contexts.
Are you one of those Spaceholders?
The age of the Guru is over. Handsome Holy Tribal Men (and Women) run uncontrolled in the world, duping themselves even more than their Instagram and Substack followers.
Is this fair? No. Is this safe? No.
Wasn't school supposed to give you your own Authority? No. Modern school never had that intention.
Where does this leave you with regards to coming into unity with your own Authority?
Probably with more questions than answers.
Yes, it is true... certain authentic initiatory processes such as fire walking, or glass walking... or glass jumping (see video below), seem to bend or break these laws of physics and mechanics in a specific way for a certain period of time in an intentionally held Space.
For stories about such experiences, read the book Miracle of Love: stories of Neem Karoli Baba collected by Ram Dass. The onslaught of disconnected mind-boggling bewilderments circling the life of one man are so heartfelt and honestly told, and yet so defy the laws of nature, that nature itself becomes suspect.
But this does NOT mean to take microdoses of LSD or Ecstasy until you believe you can fly and then step off the top of a tall building. If you can indeed levitate, then you don't need the building. Just lift off from the ground and hover there, or walk over the top of a puddle of water. That would be impressive enough.
Radical Authority is about consciously and creatively choosing what you make of things, the possibilities you produce that serve others and groups in need.
In the same way that when you need a job done, you use your own Radical Authority to scan the Team to detect who can do the job best, and then negotiate with them to do it.
Although many creations are straightforward from the extraordinary Space of Radical Authority, they may sometimes seem miraculous to others. Get used to this. Then arrange to train others to become what they truly are capable of Being.
If you get good at it, if you start teaching it to others, you may have to call it Mage Training.
The term 'what is' includes 'all things at every level, static or dynamic, that are occurring where you are in a small NOW and a small HERE and a small YOU'.The basic idea is: What is, is.Lee Lozowick would say, "Just this."Werner Erhard would say, "It is all meaningless. And it is even meaningless that it is meaningless."In Possibility Management, the word 'this' in the assertion: "Something completely different from this is possible right now," means 'just this': the what is of what is.For Causing Transformation, it is important to ongoingly Notice an important and rather unknown distinction: There are two forms of 'what is'.One form of 'what is' is the 'passive form of what is', the Present form, the Radically Reduced static form - shaved of all interpretations, meanings, implications, assumptions, stories, expectations, judgements, and conclusions. It is the 'what isness of the what is', the just so-ness. No more. No less. The way to have power in this kind of 'what is' is to verify that it is, indeed, an accurate assessment of current reality, and then to Stand on it for making your Experimental risks. As Arnaud Desjardins would say, the practice is to, "Accept what is, as it is, here and now in the moment."The other form of 'what is' is the 'active form of what is', the Creation form - the dynamic multidimensional interactions that include potentials both linear and Nonlinear, and possibilities both reasonable and Unreasonable. The active form of 'what is' is what makes Possibility Management possible. It means that 'what is' is indeed 'what is', but 'what is' does not have to stay that way, even for one more second, because through taking Radical Responsibility for your Radical Authority, and through applying the tools, techniques, thoughtmaps, distinctions, and processes of Possibility Management, you can learn to manage what is possible. You can Cause Transformation in 'what is'.
Managing Possibility will not be possible for you if you continue looking outside of yourself for permission to have the Authority to change 'what is'. That is where the 'Conscious Pirate' culture in Possibility Management comes from: granting your own Authority.
Radical Authority.
"Roads? Where we are going, we don't need roads."
"Badges? Badges! We don't need no stinkin' badges!"
These days there are 3 rules in Possibility Management:- Don't hurt yourself.
- Don't hurt anybody else.
- Don't get arrested.
But, what if you make a mistake? What if you 'throw away the badges', take back your Authority, and something goes wrong?What if you do get hurt somehow? What if someone blames you for hurting them? What if you do get arrested?What if someone sees your example and decides to copy you, but they are psychopathic and without conscience to guide their choices, and they hurt themselves or someone else?What if people see you taking the risks of acting according to your own Authority, or even being Radical Authority in action, and instead of cheering you on they attack you for being arrogant, or foolish, or an egotistical asshole, and banish you from their company?What if you use your new-found Authority to create a 'superiority complex' so as to protect yourself from exactly those kinds of attacks?What if...These are all valid possibilities to consider, of course.But are they terminators? Are these enough to stop you from taking back your own Authority?Certainly there are things not to be naive about, such as deciding how confrontive you should be with whom and when using your Radical Authority, or with how much Radical Honesty you should reveal the ecstatic joys you experience while exploring your Radical Authority Purposes, or deciding in front of whom you make your Radical Authority visible. These are real precautionary considerations.At the same time, it is possible to 'what if' yourself to death.If you let your mind create images that trigger enough fear, you will re-cause the rigor mortis you had before we started this whole conversation. Your fears of 'what might happen' could possibly induce you to give your Authority away again, like Don Quixote when he ceased his Quest and stopped Living Full Out.There is nothing you can to to avoid the fact that, whatever you do or to not do, wherever you go from this moment on for the rest of your life, the risks are all yours. Something will occur.And, you are the one who decides what you do and don't do, consciously or not. Your are the determining factor.At this time, we propose that you determine to Experiment.I Am That From Whom No One Can Take Authority Away
I am a Mage Pirate
You cannot take my Authority away from me
I am a Mage PirateI graduated from two of the best law schools in the world
You cannot take my Authority away from me
I am a Mage Pirate
I reach the summit of powers in modern culture by age 23
And exceeded the game in less than 3 days.
I am a Mage Pirate
I am Here
I create Now
In the service of E.C.C.O and my Archetypal Lineage
You cannot my Authority away
You have feedback for me?
Thank you
I put it in my Feedback Inbox
I am a Mage Pirate
I am that from whom no one can take Authority away.
Taking back your authority means Sourcing your life.
You are already ready to take Authority for more than you think.
Some experiments are a month-long, and with good reason.
Taking back your authority does not happen in your head.
Taking back your Authority is a 5-body radical transformation. The evidence shows up in the results that you can create in your Life.
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.01
What would you do with your Authority if you had it anyway?
Only you can rightfully answer this question.
We think it is a useful question for you to answer.
It is similar to already having a plan for what you would do if the Universe gave you one-hundred million Euros.
If you do not have a clear plan for what you would do with €100 million, then why should the Universe give it to you? It would probably be a total waste.
We repeat. What would you do with your Authority if you had it? It is time to make your plan.
- This Experiment starts by getting out your Beep! Book. It should not be far. If you are a Possibilitator your Beep! Book is almost never farther away than one arm's reach... as would be your Possibility Stone...
- Title a new page: MY AUTHORITY PLAN.
- Make sure you are Centered, Grounded, and Bubbled.
- Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Sink down into your core.
- Start letting your vision come to life.
You have a vision.
It is deep within you. Over and over again, ask yourself this question: "If I had Authority, I would..." - Then write out whatever answers come, big or small, wild or mundane, understandable or beyond your imagination. Write the answers in exquisite detail of how your vision comes alive.
- Write for 20-30 minutes without stopping.
- Do this three different times, preferably on 3 different days.
- What might come out are: things to change, boundaries to make, assignments to give, things to create, questions to ask, projects to complete, tasks to delegate, invitations to make to others, things to destroy, or end, or finish, new kinds of decisions to make, more Experiments to try, and so on, and on, and on...
- Give each plan a number.
- By the end of your three sessions, aim to have at least thirty plans for what to do with your Authority if you only had it.
- Now this Experiment gets interesting: Choose three of your plans. Take back that specific Authority and implement your plans fully.
After implementing your three plans, please enter Matrix Code AUTHORIT.01 in your free account at This Experiment (all the parts) is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.02
When you were a baby, everything you did was Experimenting. You did not know what would happen if you tried to stand. You did not know how dirt tasted. It was all a risk.
The secret to discover here is that, it is STILL ALL A RISK. Becoming the kind of Experimenter who takes back your own Authority depends on you learning to guess, learning to estimate consequences, learning to figure out a strategy to try and then trying it, staying aware enough to Notice what the results are, what worked and what did not work about your Experiment so that you can use these insights and clarifications to make your next Experiments go even better.
Go! Beep! Shift! Go! This is the life of an Experimenter.
Without developing your Experimenter skills you will not get far in the game, which is the game of opening up and inhabiting a new future for yourself.
'Experimenter' is an identity. Taking back your Authority for being an Experimenter begins by taking back your Authority to take intelligently calculated risks... just like you were doing as a baby and a child.
You are already to some degree good at taking intelligent calculated risks, or you would not be alive enough to be exploring
This Experiment is to go to your Possibility Team (and when we say 'Possibility Team' we actually mean any Team that you are in...) and ask them to give you three risks that would be valuable, in their opinion, for you to take now.
Under the heading THREE RISKY EXPERIMENTS in your Beep! Book, write down exactly the words they use to describe the risky Experiments. Ask clarifying questions if you need to.
After you have done all 3 Risky Experiments and reported back to your Possibility Team how they went and what you Noticed, please record Matrix Code AUTHORIT.02 in your free account at This Experiments is worth 3 Matrix Points!
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.03
The quality and degree of authority you can take is determined by the quality and degree of specific distinctions you have integrated into your Being as Matrix.
Matrix is built with distinctions that land in your Being.
By integrating new distinctions into your Being, you make it possible to take new Authority. This evolutionary work is the most entertaining experience in the Universe.
This is a valuable HINT: If you are unable to take back any particular aspect of your Authority, look into the related matrix and see to what degree you have not built it.
This Experiment is to face the breakdowns and un-successes of your current life and ask yourself the question: "What Distinctions could I explore in practical new behaviors to build my Matrix out in ways that would make a difference in my life?"
Such a question is not usually one that you can answer for yourself because our awareness is guarded against new realizations by our Gremlin-guarded Box that is dedicated to keeping things the same so we can continue to survive.
This could be a time to go to your friendly neighborhood Possibility Coach and arrange for a session about this question. Regardless of whether they do an Emotional Healing Process with you, or Memetic Engineering with you, or something entirely different, you now have a strategy for building new Matrix. Ask for specific actions to take, Experiments to try.
After you do these actions, please record Matrix Code AUTHORIT.03 in your free account at This Experiments is worth 2 Matrix Points!
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.04
Without taking your 5 Energetic Centers into your ongoing conscious possession, you will not be able to take back your Authority for anything. You cannot be in Authority whenever you are not Centered.
You will need a partner to do this Experiment. Bring your Beep! Book and pen.
- Before starting, spend half an hour reviewing together the definitions and distinctions of what your 5 Energetic Centers are, at the Become Centered website. Be sure you can Experientially distinguish one Center from each of your 5 Bodies: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Energetic, and Archetypal.
- Take a two hour-long walk together in any combination of: the shopping zone, the business district, the beach full of sun-bathers, the ghetto, the forest, or at an amusement park.
- As you begin your walk, exchange Beep! Books so that each of you has the other's Beep! Book to write in.
- While you are walking, take turns back and forth for approximately 10 minutes each, one being the Walker, the other being the Observer.
- The Walker: walk as usual. Do not be rigid, tight, or controlled. Be natural.
- The Observer: put almost ALL of your attention on the Walker, and Notice from your 5 Bodies each and every incident the Walker gives away one of their 5 Centers (which is the same thing as giving away their Authority for that Center). Use your Center Scanner to detect exactly what the Walker gives one of their Centers to.
Write down:
• which of their Centers do they give away? (It could be more than one at a time.)
• exactly what triggers their Adaptive Behavior?
• what do they do when they are Adaptive. What changes? What stops? What starts?
- Each for 10 or 15 minutes, then change roles.
- At the end of the two hours walking, sit down together at a Café and review all the notes. Look for patterns of triggers. Is it words? Is it stories? Is it emotional fears? Is it assumptions or expectations? It is male or female? Is it moving or still? Is it child, or animal, or advertisement, or fears?
- Develop one or two further Experiments or Processes that each of you can do to take your next step being more Centered. Write them down clearly in your Beep! Book.
After writing down the future Experiments, please record Matrix Code AUTHORIT.04 in your free account at This Experiments is worth 2 Matrix Points!
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.05
Life is change. Anything alive is ongoingly changing.
Any original action is a creation that makes change, because it is new. This means that any original action is life happening.
Any action that tries to duplicate what you just did, or to copy what you did before now, stops change, and therefore stops your aliveness.
Doing the same thing destroys the possibility of doing something different in that moment. Repeated behaviors keep you in a circular pattern where you do the same thing over and over, or a rut where you cannot perceive or go anywhere different.
Repeated patterns may seem safe, but it is the illusionary safety that comes from blocking aliveness. The aliveness is still in you, but it is suppressed. You repress your own aliveness with your physical movements.
You have the power to do something different in each next moment.
This Experiment is to start a heading PATTERN RECOGNITION in your Beep! Book and write out personal answers to these questions (This is not school! There are no 'right' answers!):
- What are your patterns? What to you repeat as a physical gesture, movement manifestation, speech pattern, food eating pattern, avoidance pattern, buying pattern, problem solving pattern, etc.
- What are you angry, sad, glad, and scared about when you are implementing a pattern?
- What are you doing with your aliveness power in that moment? Where do you put your aliveness then? Exactly how do you put it there?
- If you were giving a Workshop called PATTERN RECOGNITION and the skills needed for duplicating patterns, what are the considerations you would want people to understand and practice to be better Pattern Followers? Please be clear and neurotically detailed in your descriptions and instructions.
- Why are you suppressing your aliveness? What is your benefit?
- What is the result of suppressing your aliveness by duplicating physical movements, actions, problem solutions, speech patterns, proposal patterns, and habits? Again, please write these out in embarrassingly self-revealingly painful detail.
Give your PATTERN RECOGNITION WorkTalk online or in-person for 2 hours. Have participants pay at least €15 for joining. During your WorkTalk, read out your self-revealing notes that you wrote while you did this Experiment.
Then ask people to get in groups of 3 and help each other write out answers to the same questions, giving them 15 minutes for each person. You may need to offer extra notebooks and pens for anyone who did not bring theirs.
Remember, the purpose of this Experiment and of this Workshop is NOT TO TRY TO CHANGE ANYTHING. The purpose is to Notice with all 5 Bodies what has been happening, what the people have been creating, and why. The increased awareness will create its own pathway for people to take back their Authority for aliveness they are ready for. You too.
After delivering your WorkTalk, please record Matrix Code AUTHORIT.05 in your free Account at This Experiments is worth 4 Matrix Points!
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.06
What your Intellectual Body uses to think with is your Thoughtware.
You adopted your current Thoughtware primarily from your parents or caretakers when you were very young, as a way to survive in their company.
How do we know? Because you could have been born in any country, any culture, any time in the last 300,000 years, and you would have adopted the Thoughtware of your birth culture. You could have been an open-pit gold-mining slave in Congo, a castle-inhabiting Princess in Scotland, a goat herder in Afghanistan, a tech company employee in China, a fisherman on the coast of Argentina, a Tapa Cloth weaver in Tonga, on and on. The adaptability of the human being is nearly inconceivable.
And yet, here you are... you... using the Thoughtware that was used by your parents, which they received from their parents, even right now to understand these words.
It is important to realize (as shocking as it may be...) that NO ONE has EVER taken Authority for the Thoughtware you are using. Not you. Not your parents. Not the 'authorities'.
The Thoughtware you are using has simply been passed down from generation to generation, powered by the false Assumption that your Thoughtware is the only possible Thoughtware that anyone could use.
Not only that, if your Thoughtware is thought about at all, then your Thoughtware is considered by its users to be the BEST Thoughtware that human beings have ever invented.
Just think about this...
If every human being is using unexamined Thoughtware that they absentmindedly assume is the BEST thoughtware that human beings have ever invented, and yet, the people do not get along, meaning they are using incompatible Thoughtware versions... then there are different possible Thoughtware variations to be used!
This means you could examine the Thoughtware you are using, compare each bit of it to other available bits of Thoughtware, and consciously choose which Thoughtware YOU actually WANT to use to create the world your heart knows is possible!
Ahah! This is an astonishing possibility that you can now make use of, because exactly that is this Experiment!
- Start a Thoughtware Research Team - or dedicate five meetings of whatever weekly Team you are in now - to document your Thoughtware. Start simple, but be very clear. Make a list of each individual's Thoughtware.
- Compare each person's bit of Thoughtware with every other person's bit of Thoughtware about each thing that you discover you have Thoughtware about.
- Remember, you are not trying to decide which Thoughtware is more correct or best. Your are simply documenting possible options for Thoughtware that you (or every other person in the world!) can then later choose from.
- Make a website that is a Distinctionary - a dictionary of descriptions of the distinctions out of which each bit of each member of your Team's Thoughtware is constructed.
(AFTER CREATING YOUR DISTINCTIONARY ONLINE... you can take a look at creating your Distinctionary online. There is a sample Distinctionary online you can check - the Distinctionary of Possibility Management Thoughtware Distinctions).
- The way you take Authority for your Thoughtware is to consciously choose the various bits of Thoughtware you would personally prefer to use. You assemble for yourself a custom set of non-contradictory non-belief-centered Thoughtware codes, and then use it, and refuse to use old thoughtware simply because it is familiar or customary.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your Team does not have to agree to use a common set of Thoughtware. This Experiment is simply to inspect your Thoughtware as a Team Project together, to make your inspections shared through discussion and public through your website. Choosing to use agreed-upon Thoughtware would be a choice made by people who are co-creating a gameworld in which the shared Thoughtware is documented in their Codex and Rules Of Engagement of their Gameworld.
After creating your Team's online Distinctionary, please share the link with us at General Memetics (annechloe dot destremau at gmail dot com), and ask each person to record Matrix Code AUTHORIT.06 in their free account at This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points per person!
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.07
Taking back your Authority for what you Notice and what you do not Notice starts with Noticing what restricts or directs the focus of your Attention.
Factors that manage your Attention can be diverse.
- This Experiment is to Notice what you are Noticing with.
- Notice why you have chosen (consciously or not) to sculpture your Noticing in this way. What do you get from this? What do you hide yourself from by Noticing this way?
- Start a list in your Beep! Book titled MY NOTICING and during the next week, write down many times during the day what affects your Attention. For example, explore and write down these areas:
- Your intentional Purposes for your Noticing.
- Your absent minded Purposes for your Noticing.
- Your Gremlin Purposes for various kinds of Noticing.
- Your beliefs.
- Your fears.
- Your fantasy worlds.
After a week, record Matrix Code AUTHORIT.07 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.08
Take the risk to defend your Presence.
Get Present. Defend it for an hour.
Defend it for two hours.
Defend it for four hours.
After each of these three time spans that you defend your Presence, for at least 20 minutes, write about it in your Beep! Book.
After your third entry, record Matrix Code AUTHORIT.08 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.09
Your energy is swiftly devoured by countless distractions. Without paying attention to your attention, your precious energy is easily sucked away. Like a sieve with a thousand holes you can be drained in a matter of seconds. No wonder we can be so tired halfway through the day. Without realizing how, we frivolously spend our daily energy allotment. Then we have little patience for Edgeworker Experiments.
For three days, for three different hours each day, put some of your Attention on taking back your authority for your Attention.
After each hour, make notes about this in your Beep! Book, under the heading: Authority for My Conscious Attention.
When you have made 9 entries, (3hours x 3 days), record Matrix Code AUTHORIT.09 in your free account at This Experiments is worth 2 Matrix Points!
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.10
There was a moment in your life, or perhaps several moments, that you decided to give up your own Authority about what your feelings said, about what you wanted and about what you wanted to take a stand for.
The decision to forsake your Authority in order to blend into what your environment presented as the only correct or existing option, is drilled into the tissues of your physical body like hooks in flesh. The substance that is keeping that decision there, maintaining it alive and active, is an Emotion - a stuck Feeling.
That Emotion is therefore also the gateway into finding the Point of Origin of this old decision.- For this Experiment, ask for a spaceholder.
- Ask the spaceholder to do Completion Loops with you while you start speaking, starting each of your sentences with 'I gave up my authority over..' 'What I do not have authority over is..'
'What I need to ask permission for is..' - Let yourself get liquid.
- Let the arising emotions guide you back to a previous time of your life, and find out what decisions you made.
- Feel deeply into your incomplete emotions. Complete them with your spaceholder.
- Sense if it is the time to make a new decision.
- The next day, take notes of the gems of this process. What insights or distinctions did the process bear? Take them with you throughout the week.
- Self-Observe what changes in your relationship to your Authority.
- In the following week, make public or private use of your newly recovered Authority more than once, and write a few words about what different results you could create now that you actually - not theoretically - took back that authority.
After completing this experiment, record Matrix Code AUTHORIT.08 in your free account at In the Proof section, please include the words you wrote in point 9 of this Experiment. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.11
One of the most fundamental distinctions that is offered by Possibility Management and that does not seem to be offered anywhere else is the distinction between a Feeling and an Emotion. The distinction is: Feelings are for handling things. Emotions are for healing things.
A Feeling is a source of energy and information provided to you naturally by your body. It comes up in the small here and a small now, in your Adult Ego State, providing you with the clarity and fuel needed to create intimacy, realize your purpose, be of service, set boundaries, make outrageous invitations and transformational proposals and anything else that you might want to handle in your life as an Adult.Emotions do not emerge from the present situation and therefore have nothing to do with what is happening in reality. Emotions are when the information and energy of your Feelings got stuck in your body in a recent or distant past, because you suppressed the Feelings then they happened.
Since current Thoughtware considers Feelings are bad, you suppress most of your Feelings, often starting with this already at a very young age.The result of this is that most of the time, when you find yourself feeling angry, sad, afraid, glad, depressed, ashamed or isolated in the present, you think the state you are in is a consequence of your present circumstances when actually what you are experiencing is a reaction from your past.
Although both Feelings and Emotions at first feel the same and fall into one of the four categories of anger, sadness, joy or fear, it is very easy to experientially distinguish Emotions from Feelings. Here is how: Feelings are triggered, they arise, the energy and information get used, and then, within a minute or so, they are completely gone from your body. Emotions on the other hand, are triggered, they arise, and then no matter how you seem to express them, they persist in your experience.
Did you ever feel scared and then an hour later you were still scared? That is emotional fear. Did you ever feel angry and then a day later you were still angry? That is emotional anger. Did you ever feel sad and then a week later you were still sad? That is emotional sadness. If you feel a feeling and five minutes later you are still feeling that feeling, it is not a feeling at all. It is an Emotion.
Knowing the difference between a Feeling and an Emotion is huge. It enables you to create a gap between you and the state you find yourself in. It allows you to not blame another person or an aspect of your circumstances for what you are feeling. Instead, it enables you to ask for an Emotional Healing Process to restore and integrate the stuck Feeling as a resource in your body, and retrieve from it the information it held. The healing occurs through recognizing and understanding the emotion from the Adult perspective. The redeeming value of emotional pain is when the pain becomes conscious.
The result of Healing through navigating your Emotions is that you can experience the present more neutrally and you gain an expanded number of possibilities for interacting with your world, instead of being stuck in the linearity of your reactivity.This Experiment is to take back your authority for navigating your Feelings and Emotions. For this:
- Join a Rage Club.
- During 1 whole week, be aware of every emotional sensation in you. In your Beep! Book, title a page 'Feelings' and a page 'Emotions'. Every time you feel something, list it either under Feeling or Emotion. Describe what you felt and what this Feeling was related to or triggered by.
For Example:
- Anger because I wanted to get up and go to the toilet. Anger built up because I kept working and disappeared when I went to the bathroom (Feeling).
- Depression and isolation that started in the morning and faded away around 4 when I had coffee (Emotion).
- Create regularity in your tending to your Emotions. For 1 month, choose one or several of the following options and commit to what you chose for one month and for as long as you choose after that. Maybe the rest of your life:
- Join the Emotional Healing Process Collaboration Group on Telegram and ask for at least one EHP each week.
- Join an EHP Dojo or EHP Warmup Dojo that meets weekly.
- Empower a Next Culture EHP Spaceholder and pay them to hold space for you at least once a week.
- Block 7-10 days in your calendar where you do 1 EHP every day, or do an EHP every time you have an Emotion come up. Ask for your team of Spaceholders in the EHP Collaboration Group.
- Do all of these.
- Create more awareness of your Feelings. During 1 whole week, start every sentence with: "I feel...(anger/sadness/fear/joy) because.."
Connect to the feeling or emotion you are having and let it speak.
If it is an Emotion, tell the person you are having an emotional reaction right now and that you will take care of that Emotion later.
If it is a Feeling, discover what action step is connected to this Feeling and take responsibility for what you discover.
- After completing this Experiment, please write an Article or record a video in which you share about what you did, what you learned, what difference it made in your life and what you can create now that you are consciously navigating your Feelings and Emotions. Publish your article or your video on, on Instagram or anywhere else where people can find it.
After completing this experiment, record Matrix Code AUTHORIT.11 in your free account at In the Proof section, please include a link to your article or video. This Experiment is worth 10 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.12
In 2010 Possibility Managers discovered it is possible to Stellate your Feelings Archetypes.
The term 'Stellating' means 'to change a planet into a star'.The difference between a planet and a star is that a planet absorbs more energy than it gives off, whereas a star radiates more energy than it absorbs.
Stellating is feeling your Conscious Feelings at a 100% intensity. In so doing awakening the Archetypal forces built into your body that have been waiting to be turned on and accompany you in your life as an adult ever since you were 15-18 years old.
Taking back your authority for Stellating your Feelings Archetypes means taking back your authority for being an empowered Adult. The cost of humans not knowing about the possibility of creating this access to your inner resources is huge. The benefit of remaining a disempowered human being is also huge - for the parts in you that are committed to survival.This experiment is about taking back your authority for Stellating your Feelings Archetypes.
For this, first:- Read the Stellating website. Let it dawn on you what the cost has been for you and humanity to not stellate their feelings.
- Go to an Expand the Box Training. After completing this, you get to go to a Possibility Lab.
- Go to a Possibility Lab. Ask for a Stellating process. The first one to Stellate is Anger.
- Watch the results in your life.
- Write an article or record a video about how your life was before and after Stellating one of your Feelings. (Just 1 out of 4 and still 3 to go!)
After completing this experiment, record Matrix Code AUTHORIT.12 in your free account at In the Proof section, please include a link to your article or video. This Experiment is worth 10 Matrix Points.TAKE BACK YOUR AUTHORITY FOR YOUR POWER TO DECLARE
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.13
Declaring what is so, is one of your 3 Powers. It is a straightforward soft-skill technology, even though it can sometimes look like Magic.
You never learned about this in school. You might be convinced that you do not have the power to Declare what is so. This means choosing to be a victim of 'how things are'.
Unconsciously, you declare 'what is so' to yourself and to others all day and all night. Consequently you pay the price of making unconscious, mechanical, reactive declarations your whole life.
Making your Declaring Conscious changes how the world works for you. Making your Declaring Conscious means you get to Consciously serve Bright Principles with your Declarations.
If you do not make the choice to be a conscious servant of responsible Bright Principles, then you automatically make the choice to be an unconscious slave of irresponsible Shadow Principles.
No one can change your unconscious declaring into Conscious Declaring for you. No one can stop you from doing Conscious Declaring.
This Experiment is to take back your authority for your power to Declare.
- Read the Declarations website and the Is-Glue website (including the Experiments).
- For 1 hour, make 5 completely different Declarations about what is so. About yourself and about everything you see. Make Declarations that serve Bright Principles and declarations that serve Shadow Principles. For example:
- This hat makes me look pretentious.
- Spending money on this hat was an unnecessary act of luxury.
- This hat is my celebration artefact and my Experiment of making myself more visible in the world.
- I will always have enough clothing.
- This hat is a spaceport and whenever I wear it, I rapidly transform into the space through which I watch my Bright Principles come alive and do their work in the world.
- Life has treated me really bad ever since I was born.
- I am the luckiest person alive.
- Notice the sensations, rearrangements and reactions in your 5 Bodies when you make Declarations. Also Notice the difference between making Declarations that serve Bright Principles and when you make declarations that serve Shadow Principles. Write down what you sense and feel.
- Ask for a Possibility Manager to hold space for you as you navigate the Emotions that come up when you say: "I have the power to Declare what is so". Get to the root of what and when you decided, when you adopted the belief that you can not declare what is so.
- For one whole day, only make Declarations that serve Bright Principles. In your head when you think to yourself, and out loud when you speak to others.
- At the end of the day, write down what you Noticed.
NOTE: Declaring is not about creating Fantasy Worlds. Creating a Fantasy World is creating an illusion that:
- ... One day things will be different or better, so you can soothe yourself with hope and not face into your actual Emotions and Feelings about how things are now
- ... One day things will be different and better, if only you meet certain conditions, therewith creating an insatiable driving force forward that is simultaneously rooted in scarcity and reinforcing scarcity because you will never reach the pot at the foot of the rainbow
A Fantasy World can only exist in the context of irresponsibility because it is about diverting your Attention from where you are now.
Declaring means claiming, owning and Consciously inhabiting your responsibility and therewith your creation power in the Now.
After completing this Experiment, record Matrix Code AUTHORIT.13 in your free account at In the Proof section, please include the clarity you found during your Emotional Healing Process, and what you wrote down under point 6. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.TAKE BACK YOUR AUTHORITY FOR YOUR POWER TO CHOOSE
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.14
You might experience the act of Choosing as a dangerous, thorny thing. You have the story that it is scary to be responsible for the outcomes of your Choosing.
There are many strategies to not face into the Fear that is generated by the act of Choosing.
One strategy is to pretend there is no other Choice than what you are Choosing, so as to pretend there is no choice to make. Another strategy is to choose what others choose, in an attempt to not get singled out and questioned about what you chose.
Rather than focussing solely on what you choose, you could shift and use part of your Attention to see what you are choosing with.
Which forces are you allowing to influence your choosing?
Which Parts of you are choosing for you?
Which amount of freedom are you allowing yourself to Self-Observe and Notice which forces you are allowing to influence your Choosing?For example, in choosing the way you are earning your income right now, which default decision forces have been at play? Did you choose the job that was available to you where you live? Did you choose a job that matches what you studied, because that is what you studied? Did you choose a job you hate but generates money? Did you choose a job that makes you look good to your environment? Did you choose a job in which you are most fully at service for your Archetypal Lineage?
Without making ongoing efforts to become more awake and aware, your daily Choices remain mostly unconscious... that is, they serve Unconscious Purposes.
In other words: your choices serve habitual Gremlin / Box / Survival Purposes.
Instead of pretending you have no other options or letting your Choosing be influenced by forces unknown to you, you can take back your Authority for increasing your capacity for conscious Choosing.
For this Experiment:
- For 3 days, observe the choices you make. Anytime the making of a Choice triggers an Emotion in you, Notice which parts in you are at play and competing for making the Choice.
- Write down the dialogues between these different Parts of you. Describe:
- Who is talking?
- What are they saying? The literal words as well as the subtitles; the communication between the lines.
- How are they saying it? what Emotion or Feeling does their communication carry?
For example:
- "It is really late now. You should go home." (admonishing, parent-like voice with frozen fear and anger. The message is I should submit right now because otherwise things will go wrong).
- Fear mixed with sadness: "But what if right now all the fun starts happening and I miss out? (child sadly rebelling because it has already given up on getting its way or being listened to).
- Notice which Part of you gets to make the choice in the end. Who submits to who? How did this Part of you get its way? Do not beat yourself up or try to change anything. Just get to know yourself (selves).
- Read Spark 199: 'You can choose about the forces influencing your choices.'
- Do the Experiments there.
- Hold space for a WorkTalk or write an Article about Choosing in which you offer value in the form of the Clarity you obtained about what else is possible when it comes to Choosing.
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.20
More than one person can have Radical Authority in the same Space at the same time if they have the same Purpose. There is no conflict then.When two people in the same space enter Radical Authority but they have different Purposes, then there is a Conflict Of Purpose. This would be an opportunity to use apply the Torus Technology processes called Poop On The Table, Weapons On The Table, Frying Pan, Wok, or Wisdom Counsel.TAKE BACK YOUR AUTHORITY TO CREATE AND NAVIGATE THE EXTRAORDINARY SPACE IN WHICH YOU ENTER RADICAL AUTHORITY
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.40
Keep building your muscles to stay there in Radical Authority.
Make notes in your Beep! Book about:
- The exact time you enter Radical Authority.
- How you created the Extraordinary Space in which to obtain Radical Authority.
- What you create in Radical Authority.
- What contracts you or knocks you out of Radical Authority.
- The exact time you exit Radical Authority.
- The total time you stayed in Radical Authority: seconds, minutes, hours...
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.44
How do you know if the thing you take back Authority for is actually new?
- It is new if taking back Authority for it brings you to the edge of your Box.
- It is new if taking back Authority for it makes you afraid.
- It is new if taking back Authority for it puts you into a Liquid State.
- etc...
- etc...
After doing this Experiment of taking back your Authority for something new each day - for 30 days in a row! - please enter Matrix Code AUTHORIT.44 in your free account at This means 30 days in a row! NOT ONE DAY SKIPPED FOR THE WHOLE 30 DAYS. If you succeed for the whole 30 days, this Experiment is worth 30 Matrix Points! In the Proof section, please write down the 30 new things you did.
"Congratulations. You have discovered the Path."
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.45
You can take Radical Responsibility for the consequences and Radical Responsibility for what is, but who has the permission to Choose?
Who has the qualifications to Declare?
Who has the gumption to Ask?
Who has the right to make new nonlinear unreasonable transformational Proposals?
This is Do It Power.
It is yours for the taking. You may have to break the rules, trespass on the taboos, be unreasonable. But if you do not Do It, who will? Most impulses that you have to Do It are a Job On Your Bench given to you by E.C.C.O., your Bright Principles, or your Archetypal Lineage. And you are going to refuse to do it? Why? Because you have Reasons? It is time to get Unreasonable.
This Experiment is one time each day, for the next 3 weeks, unleash your Do It Power without thinking about it, without reasoning it out of existence, without letting Fear or anything stop you from Doing It.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code AUTHORIT.45 in your free account at In the Proof section, please write one Legend Making thing you did during this Experiment. This Experiment is worth 9 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code AUTHORIT.46
Obtain a copy of Clinton Callahan's revised and expanded edition of Conscious Feelings, (published Fall 2022). Go to the Conscious Feelings Index and look up the term: 'authority' in the Index. Notice how many entries there are in this book about Authority. Each entry describes a different kind of Doorway for you to enter in your daily Life Of Practice with expanding and strengthening your conscious Authority.
Flip to each of the Conscious Feelings pages indicated in the Index regarding 'authority' and make a list in your Beep! Book with the name or action of each new kind of Authority. This will create a list of at least 52 new kinds of Authority!
Use each item in your list, one day at a time, as the precise kind of Authority that you activate 10 times that day to practice it. Notice how your Authority deepens in quality and expands in dimensions through this Experiment.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code AUTHORIT.46 in your free account at In the Proof section, please write an example of what you Noticed about changes in your Authority through doing this Experiment. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code AUTHORIT.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!